End-to-End testing with Playwright
This screencast covers setting up Playwright for end-to-end testing in a Sails.js application. It includes:
Installing Playwright and setting up the test environment.
Configuring Playwright settings in the project.
Writing and running tests for a counter button and navigation functionality.
Viewing Playwright’s test report for debugging.
With this setup, you can efficiently automate user interactions and test workflows in your Sails.js application using Playwright.
I recently started using Playwright after discovering it a while ago, and I finally decided to set it up in my Sails.js codebase. In this screencast, I’ll show you how I did that so you can set up Playwright in your own codebase as well.
Before we dive into the setup, let's discuss what Playwright is. Playwright is a web automation tool for end-to-end testing, created by Microsoft. Other similar tools include Cypress and Puppeteer. Playwright allows you to test the entire workflow of your application from a user’s perspective—whether they can click buttons, visit pages, submit forms, or complete a checkout process.
Setting Up Playwright in Sails.js
I started with a scaffolded full-stack Sails application using the create-sails
CLI. The app is a basic Sails and Inertia setup. The goal of this demo is to automate checking whether a button is clicked and whether it navigates correctly to an example page.
Environment Setup
I like having a dedicated test environment in my Sails application. This allows me to separate production and test configurations. In my test setup:
I run tests on port
.I use
for the database.I prefer using in-memory sessions for testing.
Installing Playwright
To install Playwright, I ran:
npm init playwright@latest
This command provides a CLI setup wizard where you can:
Choose a test folder (
).Set up a GitHub Actions workflow for CI testing.
Install Playwright dependencies, including Chromium, WebKit, and Firefox.
Once installed, running npx playwright test
executes the default example test provided by Playwright.
Configuring Playwright
I started by editing the Playwright config file to:
Set the base URL to
.Define the web server setup to ensure Playwright starts Sails before running tests.
Specify the test environment settings.
Writing Tests
First Test: Counter Button
I created a test to verify if:
The counter button is visible.
Clicking the button increments the count.
Code snippet:
test('Counter button can be clicked and count increments', async ({ page }) => {
await page.goto('/');
const counterButton = page.locator('text=Click 0 times');
await expect(counterButton).toBeVisible();
await counterButton.click();
await expect(page.locator('text=Click 1 times')).toBeVisible();
Running Tests
To run tests, I executed:
npx playwright test
Playwright provides a test report in HTML format, which can be accessed via a local server.
Second Test: Navigation Test
I wrote another test to check if clicking on "Go to Example Page" correctly navigates to /example
Code snippet:
test('Example page link is working', async ({ page }) => {
await page.goto('/');
const exampleLink = page.locator('text=Go to Example Page');
await expect(exampleLink).toHaveAttribute('href', '/example');
await exampleLink.click();
await expect(page).toHaveURL(/\/example$/);
Running Tests in Multiple Browsers
By default, Playwright runs tests across Chromium, WebKit, and Firefox. Since I wrote two tests, running them across three browsers resulted in six total test executions.
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